Revisiting Our Healing Moments
Engaging with God over life issues can be one of the most life-giving experiences we can have, as God shows us what we have missed and what we need in order to move on. But we need to stay teachable, because these issues often have more than one layer...
About Time
We keep trying to put more things into less time. Perhaps we should consider putting more time into fewer things....
The JOY of Obedience?
Seriously? Can obedience really be joyful? Is that some kind of attitude I’m supposed to add to my dutiful submission? Most of the time the word ‘obedience’ calls up images of drudgery, have-to’s, and a lot of determination. Here’s a thought. Imagine that on a given Sunday morning at...
God, Tell Me a Story!
God is a wonderful story teller! Just listen to the parables of Jesus … or the beautiful poetry of the Psalms. Even Nathan’s story to David at his worst moment is wonderfully crafted. Also God’s response to Job’s distress. Stories create and transmit meaning for us in ways that...
Amazing View of the Cross
Ran across this incredible image of the cross in Sheila Walsh, In The Middle of the Mess. “Consider Christ’s ultimate weapon — His death on the cross. To the onlookers at Golgotha that day the cross looked like a defeat. They had no way of knowing that it was...
Orphan Christians
One of the great tragedies of the modern church is that so many Christians live like orphans. Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans … I will come to you … I will reveal myself to you” (Jn.14:18,21,28). His intention in the upper room discourse (Jn.14-17) was...
Why Shepherds?
I so enjoyed this meditation from last year that I wanted to share it again. ================================================= In reading the story again this year I was really captivated by all the drama that surrounded people who otherwise would have continued to lead rather quiet lives. But as I thought about...
Great Message from Alan Wright
Wanted to pass along an incredible message from Alan Wright of Reynolda Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem. I think it might be one of the most inspiring talks I have ever heard in regard to the prophetic words about the coming of Christ. Please pass this along! ...
Trust Me
“Let not your heart be troubled … Believe God … Believe Me” (Jn.14:1 par). Jesus was preparing His disciples for their greatest trial up to that moment. Within a few hours they would watch their Messiah brutally killed before their very eyes. Their dreams of a new world order...
Trust Me
“Let not your heart be troubled. Trust Me. Trust God.” (Jn.14:1) I recently discovered a part of my heart that wasn’t very trusting. In fact, quite the opposite. That part of me was convinced that nothing good could come of anything. I wanted to ask, how do I trust...