Dread of Making Mistakes
Ran across an old journal entry from October of 2000. I was in the process of accepting a job offer in software support, which should have been a good thing since I had been out of work for a while. But an incredible sense of dread came out of...
When Pain is a Gift
In reflecting about the past year, my mind drifted back even farther as I began to think of all the things I am grateful for. God has been unbelievably generous to me (as I believe He is to all His children) and I was able to fill a page in...
Highly Unlikely
Jesus invested His life in twelve unlikely men (The Voice, Introduction to 1 Corinthians). Today we think of them as Apostles with a capital "A" or Saints with a capital "S". But we need to remember they began as smelly fishermen, a political subversive (zealot), a despised tax collector,...
Offensive and Foolish
In 1Cor.1, Paul takes notice of how the gospel is offensive to the Jews and foolish to the Greeks. It was offensive, because the Jewish Messia was supposed to act like a good Phrasisee and also conquer the Romans, not be crucified by them. It was foolish to the Greeks, because...
Called Into Koinonia
Paul opens his first letter to the Corinthians in his usual style, by confirming the wonder of God’s grace. “God is faithful, through whom you were called into koinonia with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1:9). Among the many facets of becoming a Christian, God calls us into...
27 Years of Gratitude
I turn 62 this week. And I'm grateful. About this time 27 years ago, I had just begun rebuilding my life. For the first time, I was beginning to look forward to what the next day would bring, grateful for the path I was on. Since then, the road...
Holy Awe
Recently I had the incredible privilege to meet with an amazing group of people who love God deeply and who are actively in the process of getting closer to Him and becoming more like Him. They were just finishing the Forming course, which they loved, and they spoke with...
Love That Creates Value
In Living the God Life, John Ortberg shares with us a generous collection of his own musings and reflections on the wonder of God's love. It is a book that must be read slowly and savored, or else you will miss what a treasure it truly is. John has...
God at Work in You
Philipians 2 is where Paul writes that beautiful hymn of how Jesus emptied Himself and became human and died so that we could have life. Immediately after that hymn Paul says, "So walk out your salvation with fear and trembling, for that same God who did so much in...
Paying Taxes to Caesar
Jesus was once asked whether or not the people should pay taxes to Caesar (Lk.20:22-25). He could have responded easily enough with a “Yes” or “No.” Although they would have received an answer, they would not have learned much. So instead, he engaged the crowd in a discussion about...