Category: Meditations

Relationship Is Life

"Rather than view our relationship with God as primarily an arrangement whereby we get to have life after death, Christian formation views our relationship with God as the very definition of life itself, a relationship that leads to living forever with the King." — from Forming: A Work of...

Joy and Peace

Isaiah 55 says, "And you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace." Now to be quite honest, most of the time I think of joy or peace as a kind of place I can move to in my heart and mind whenever I am aware...

The End and the Means

Just wanted to pass along a great article. Please see this link, "Beyond a Purpose-Driven Life."...

Support Groups

Few things are as disconcerting and isolating as telling someone about your deepest pain and have them look at you like you are from another planet. But outside of support groups, such experiences are extremely common. A person going through a painful divorce might try to explain their distress...

Experiencing Our Relationship

It bears repeating that a closer relationship with God is not merely an abstraction or a statement about our official standing with Him, but something we actually experience. Often we hear Christian leaders tell us that we should not go on feelings because God is present whether or not...

For the Joy Set Before Him

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Heb.12:2). Have you ever asked yourself, "what joy is the...

Taxes and Caesar

When Jesus was asked whether or not we should pay taxes to Caesar, He could have responded with a “Yes” or “No" (Lk.20:22-25). Instead, He engaged the crowd in a discussion about what belongs to whom, and those who were paying attention and were teachable came away with an...


I just finished reading the children's classic Heidi for the first time (and yes, I cried like a girl). This may be the most beautiful story I have ever read in my life.There were so many good things illustrated there, it would take a long time to talk about...

Revisiting the Love Chapter

One of the best known passages in all of Scripture is the "Love Chapter" of 1 Corinthians 13. It is very poetic and often read at weddings as a way of highlighting the beauty of love. But it is all too easy to come away from that reading with...

From God’s Spirit to our spirit

When Jesus was preparing for his final moments, he spent an evening with his disciples which we now refer to as "the last supper." During that time with them, he gave a "final discourse" in which he explained quite a lot about how their relationship was going to change...