For the Joy Set Before Him

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Heb.12:2).

Have you ever asked yourself, "what joy is the writer talking about?" A while back, I asked this question and what came of that question was something like this (from my journal):

Joy? What joy? From where? How did You find it?
"For the joy set before Him" of redeeming the earth!
I have tasted this kind of joy myself when people say that what they have received from my writing has touched them, set them free, or captivated their heart. It feels so good to give life to others. To see them heal and recover. It warms my heart.
Oh, the JOY of destroying the Destroyer! Of pushing back against the darkness … of witnessing the dawning light.
The joy Jesus must have felt, crushing death beneath His feet.
By enduring, overcoming, trusting in His Father, right up to His death He won! He cheated death. No, He destroyed death, the power of death. Death and hell and suffering could not break Him. The joy of brining life and love and goodness to us was worth whatever it took.

Helping to bring more good and life and love into the world not only brings joy to those who are impacted by what we do, it also brings joy to us — because we are designed to give life to others. And for Jesus, bringing this life to us was worth whatever it took.

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