The Best Wine
I’ve read the story about the wedding at Cana many times (John 2), and frankly, have often thought of it as kind of a lame miracle. No one seems to be helped, beyond saving the head waiter some embarrassment. And people probably got a little more inebriated. In fact,...
A Prayer for 2014
When I look ahead to 2014, I can think of all sorts of things to ask God for. But most of all, this next year I want to live more like a Child of the King. No more fear or feeling of desperation. No more belief in scarcity. No...
A Life-Giving Task
From a developmental perspective, we all need to be needed. We all have an innate need to be of good to someone, to have a life-giving impact that makes a difference. Whether it has to do with helping our family survive, or easing the burden of someone, or simply...
Been thinking about the idea of self-esteem and self-acceptance the last few days. What occurs to me is that self-acceptance is a very trick word, in part because our sense of self can only be arrived at relationally. We cannot accept our self in a vacuum, as if we...
Good News About God
Often we hear the gospel presented as if it is mostly about us — our predicament, our sin, our eternal destiny. But that is only the setting for the gospel. The really Good News is about God! How much God loves us! How much Jesus gave for us! How...
Fruit is Edible!
Often when we talk about the fruits of the Spirit, we frame the discussion in terms that make it sound as if fruit is an end point we arrive at — after which we simply are grateful for its production. But while spiritual fruit is in fact an outcome...
Righteousness (dik-eye-oh-sue-nay) is one of those tricky words that we use all the time in our Christian circles, but generally never use in everyday conversation. We sort of know what it means, and usually think of it as a kind of holiness, but with a now / not-yet application...
Why Won’t They Stop?
Seems like barely a week goes by that we do not hear of another tragic event of lives lost or decimated by Evil. And if I am not careful, I find myself sliding into a fog of despair and hopeless helplessness that sucks the life right out of me....
Hope for the Present
More and more Christians today are discovering the joy of being healed in their heart and mind from painful things in their past. Jesus came to "bind up the broken-hearted" and He means for this to be commonplace among His people. In many cases, we are healed when God...
Necessary Hope
I've been reading Philip Yancey's latest book, The Question that Never Goes Away. It has been thirty years since he wrote his now famous, Where is God When it Hurts? I guess he decided it was time for a follow-up. As usual, I am truly being fed by his...