Upcoming Conference!

We are so excited to announce that we are going to the Life With God Conference which is coming up next May 2018 in Santa Barbara. What makes this conference so special is that they are bringing together many leaders of the Spiritual Formation Movement to discuss the future of spiritual formation and where we need to go from here.

They had issued a call for papers and I submitted two separate proposals, both of which were accepted! So I will be co-presenting there in two workshops.

The first will be on atonement theory. That may sound a bit abstract to some, but believe me … it is related directly to the way the gospel is being presented today and the lack of discipleship that follows conversions. I am working on a new book about that topic as well, and I hope to have it ready by conference time. Please pray!

In the second workshop I will be presenting a summary of Transformation By Design. Because one of the biggest problems in the modern Evangelical world is the failure to take transformation seriously or to believe that on-going change for a lifetime can be a reality. Unless we reclaim a robust theology of transformation, the spiritual formation movement will not find much fertile soil in the coming years.

Please take a look at the conference website here!

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