Making Renovations

Looking around our North Carolina house, we have done a lot of renovating since we bought it last December. Lots of stuff pulled up — like the 4 layers of linoleum in the kitchen, plus the wood layment, plus the cork tile under that — all the way down to the subfloor (which turned out to be in great shape). Lots of stuff added  — new carpet, new laminate floor, new paint, new light fixtures — the list goes on. This is a house undergoing renovation, making it more our house, better suited to who we are as well as what will make the house itself better.

It unexpectedly gave me new appreciation for Dallas Willard’s book, The Renovation of the Heart — as a picture of the work that God must do to remake this body and soul of mine into a residence better suited to His presence. So when the psalmist says, “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts” (Ps.84) it stirs a longing in my heart to become a place like that for God to dwell. It makes me want to say, “Have at  it, God! Go down to the stud walls if You need to. We can replace foundation if we need to. I just want this to be Your House, a place that truly honors who You are!”

“Renovate away!”

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