Category: Uncategorized

A Very Solemn Solomon

Perhaps one of the greatest self-contradictions of all time: Solomon was the son of an ill-gotten marriage that followed from adultery and murder, not to mention judgment; he grew up in a contentious home where one of his brothers tried to kill their father; and he very nearly lost...

Why Hope Matters

In one of the most captivating passages in the New Testament, John writes, "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are! … Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet...

“Truth About Lies” on sale

Please check out our sale on The Truth About Lies and Lies About Truth. Now available for just $12.00. Hear what Jan Johnson has to say, who is a well-known retreat speaker and colleague of Dallas Willard: I've been waiting for someone to approach spiritual formation, recovery and inner...

Life-Giving Perspectives

Recently re-read Steve McVey's Grace Walk. What an amazing book! It does my heart good to read something that is so uplifting and life giving. It may well be the most concise book I have read on how grace differs from legalism. In the process he addresses a lot...

Radio Interview

On Wednesday, June 20 at 4:30pm (PDT) I will be on the Frank Pastore show discussing the upcoming Heart and Soul 2012 Conference. You can listen to the live broadcast by going to Please let your friends know about this event....

New RSS feeder

We have added some new downloads and also created an RSS feed for those who would like to be notified of new posts. If you are familiar with RSS and already have a favorite reader, simply right click on the RSS link, copy the link address and create a...

Hearing God Seminar

I will be leading a Hearing God Seminar in Sierra Madre CA on June 23. Please check out our registration page for more information....

Links Page Added

Please check out the Important Websites link under the Resources menu....

Revising the Website

I am in the process of redesigning this site to make it more flexible and interactive. Please come back often to see the new additions !!...