Category: Meditations

For This Purpose Jesus Appeared

“For this purpose Christ appeared, to destroy the works of the devil” (1Jn.3:6). What hope! What life! My heart is stirred just thinking about the end of all evil.  I am reminded of the song, “No More Night” by Glen Campbell. “No more night. No more pain. No more...

Much is Given

Sometimes I am amazed at how rich our planet is — so full of minerals, metals, trees, plants, oil, and even organic material. All of this which can be harvested and molded for our benefit, to make houses and infrastructure, to grow our minds and bodies, and to live...

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place

“How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!” (Ps.84:1). I cannot help but think of God dwelling within us, making us more and more into a lovely place to dwell (Jn.14-17)....


There is so much that could be said about grief, and what it means to grieve well as a Christian. But one of the most important things to know is that Jesus himself experienced grief and knows what that is like....

God is For Us

“God is for us” (Rom.8:31). What an incredible thought! He’s not standing over us with a club, waiting for us to make a mistake — He is actively at work in us to help us become more whole....

When Christ Emptied Himself

What did it mean for Jesus to “empty” Himself in order to become human (Phil.2)? I don’t want to enter the theological debates about what could or could not be true of the God-Man. I just want to know why it matters....

We Need a Bigger Box!

I am constantly amazed at my own self-made limitations on the goodness of God! Whenever I think I’ve let Him “out of the box” I had put Him in previously, I eventually find that I’ve only given Him a slightly bigger box. And I wish I could do away...

Cleaning Our Lenses

“The lamp of the body is the eye. If you eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light” (Lk.11:34+). What does Jesus mean by having “clear” vision?...

Caring for my Soul

At the Heart and Soul conference last month, we were very blessed to have Mindy Caliguire from Willow Creek Church there to present a workshop on “Soul care.” Mindy put before us an incredibly elegant and yet basic way of understanding how we are involved in our own spiritual formation. First,...

Billy Graham’s Prayer

This prayer has been attributed to Billy Graham. In any case, I think it says a lot....