“There is forgiveness with You, so that You may be revered” (Ps.130:4). That strikes me as a bit odd, since for so many years I thought reverence came from being fearsome and threatening. Here the psalmist is drawn to reverence out of God’s forbearance and love.
Why would this be so? Forgiveness must be more than a pardon or a relinquishing of just consequences. It is the removal of debt as well as redemption (130:7) and an expression of God’s steadfast love (130:7). Such grace creates longing in my heart:
I wait for the Lord; my soul waits, and in His word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord, more than those who watch for the morning — more than those who watch for the morning (130:5-6).
My heart reveres You, Father, because Your mighty power is directed toward my rescue, my redemption, and my good. I run out of words, because my heart is full. There are no words that do justice to love. Tears are the language of redemption and rescue from living death. I revere You, God, because you are Good beyond my wildest imagination.