Real Knowledge

"And this I pray — that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment" (Phil.1:9).

When Paul speaks of knowledge in this way, he is not talking about information. He means that kind of knowing that comes from experience, as in knowing a friend. And Paul knows from experience that the more we know God (real knowledge) the more we will "know what is good, what matters, what is important" (v.10).

What Paul knew from experience has now been validated by what we know regarding how our attachment and bonding impacts our sense of reality. Attachment actually changes what we believe about life and how we view the world around us. Paul is simply stating in plain language that he wants his readers to grow in their personal first-hand knowledge of God so they will be able to live in His real Kingdom, knowing what is good.

Seeing this more clearly, I am invited me to recount my love for God and how much He means to me. And in doing so, my heart is enriched by my renewed awareness of who God is and how much difference He has made in my life.

"I am overwhelmed by how rich Your world truly is — Your rule and reign, Your heart, Your love, Your giving, patience, understanding, kindness, goodness, persistence, and truth. I am running out of words to say how Good You are and how Good You are to us. Forgive me for being so obtuse about Your love and how deep Your well truly is. My life today is so far from where I was when You found me that I am unable to compare the two. It is like apples and rocks. You are good beyond my comprehension. I can only be amazed and surprised by how wonderful You are and how much You have done for me and given to me."

I want to make up a new beatitude: "Blessed are you who had no life! Because God is the author of life. And He has come to you to breathe goodness and life into your soul, and you shall be made alive!"

I want to know more and more of the One who does that!

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