Important Websites

Please enjoy our collection of websites we have found helpful.

Organizations & Ministries providing Healing and Formation

Deeper Walk International: We are partnering with Deeper Walk to bring life-giving discipleship back to the church.

Healing Center International: One of the most comprehensive ministries to leaders and laypersons for spiritual growth and restoration.

The Immanual Approach:  Undoubtedly, the most accessible and transferable approach to inner healing today.

Transformation Prayer Ministry: (TPM) An incredible, straight-forward approach to renewing the mind. TPM takes direct aim at our distorted perceptions of life and invites Jesus to rewire our mind in ways that can change our life.

HeartSync Ministries: HeartSync is unique in that it focuses in on how God can heal the divisions within our soul that were created by evil and trauma. In doing so, it provides the deepest and most comprehensive healing we have ever experienced.

Spiritual Formation Alliance: connecting organizations that foster Christian spiritual formation

Renovare: Organization for deeper spiritual life founded by Richard Foster

Soul Care: Mindy Caliguire has developed some wonderful resources to foster spiritual health

Wellspring Life Resources: Joel Warne has developed some great materials for small groups

B-Ing: Leading formational retreats in Southern California

Important Concepts:

The Life Model: Perhaps the most comprehensive Christian view of how God designed human beings to grow up and develop.

Karl and Charlotte Lehman: Two great minds who have contributed tremendously to our understanding of how God heals our inner life.

 Individuals and Blogs

Dallas Willard: Philosopher, author, leader in Christian formation (website is still active even though Dallas is gone now).

Dallas Willard Ministries: The vision of Dallas is being carried on by a wonderful group of people who were greatly influenced by his work.

Jan Johnson: Speaker, author. Known everywhere for her many books and contributions to Christian formation.

Two Minutes of Grace — A wonderful blog with a grace message by Debbie Branson

Keith Meyer: Counselor to pastors and author


Bible Gateway: Great research tool for searching various versions of the Biblical text. My only regret here is that they have not succeeded in getting NRSV included.

Biola University Institute for Spiritual Formation: Here is where you can order the Journal for Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. Also, of course, offers a comprehensive course in Spiritual Formation.

Being Known: Curt Thompson’s integration of neuro-science and spiritual formation. He is the author of the amazing book, The Anatomy of the Soul

Special Features

(some of these may be temporary)

Dallas Willard’s lecture on the Disappearance of Moral Knowledge

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