Hearing God

One of the most important aspects of our relationship with God is His desire to speak into our lives and mentor us in the ways of the Kingdom. These articles are dedicated to helping people draw closer to God and to learn how to hear His voice better.

God Speaks! (verses)

A wonderful collection of scripture verses that talk about God speaking to His people, and His people hearing His voice.

God Speaks Today! (apologetic)

Here are at least nine great reasons why we know God still speaks today.

A Model for Conversational Prayer

This is a very brief overview of what conversational prayer looks like, described as a combination of Focusing, Listening, Discerning and Responding.

Listening to the Word

Listening as God opens the Word to us is one of the best ways to learn how to engage with Him in conversation. This short outline offers a few guidelines in how to get started with this important practice.

Keeping a Journal

For me, writing out my conversations with God in a  journal is an essential part of listening to Him well. It helps me focus, keeps me from drifting off, and really helps with my discernment. Here a are a few thoughts about how to keep a working journal and how to make the best use of it.

Is it Alright for Christians to Visualize God?

There are some places where this is a really hot issue. Here is my take on how we should understand using our minds in this way.

What if I Hear Something Wrong?

A lot of people find this idea of listening to God to be a little unnerving, and worry quite a bit about what might happen if they “hear” something that isn’t God. I hope this short article will help to address this problem.

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