God at Work in You
Philipians 2 is where Paul writes that beautiful hymn of how Jesus emptied Himself and became human and died so that we could have life. Immediately after that hymn Paul says,
"So walk out your salvation with fear and trembling, for that same God who did so much in Jesus is now at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure … that you may prove yourselves to be innocent and blameless, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life."
Those words bring me to my need for God and to surrender to what He wants to do in me. I am speachless at His goodness, His grace, His desire to make me a good child of HIs.
I recently read a line from a book by Steve McVey in which he says it is really pointless for us to pray to God and ask Him to make us love Him more. Because that's not where it starts. We need to pray for God to help us know how much He loves us! And once we truly grasp that, our heart will respond to Him in love without even trying. I think he is on to something here. And I think Paul's message in this chapter is in line with opening our heart to better receive His love.