What God Has For Us
"No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1Cor.2:9). Familiar words to many, and they often stir in us a vision of hope for what lies ahead when we go to heaven and get to see...
Blessed On Purpose
When explaining about how God's intention is to pour out blessing on His people, Paul does not simply view this as an added bonus to the Christian life. The apostle's understanding of God's desire to bless us goes far deeper. "He has given us all this, just as He...
Grace in Abundance
One would think that sitting in a Roman jail cell in 55AD would be enough to get anyone down, or at least dampen their enthusiasm for whatever it is they were doing that got them into so much trouble. But when Paul writes his letter to the Ephesians, he...
A Gospel of the Kingdom
I was struck today by how much the book of Colossians says about the Kingdom. It seems to be Paul’s dominate theme in the letter. All throughout the text he uses Kingdom language to encourage and challenge his readers. “For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and...
The Centrality of “Good” in God’s Universe
Inundated as we are with all the evil in this world, it is often hard to imagine that good might be the underlying premise of God's universe. But I think Dallas Willard is right about this. The truth is that all of reality was created good and God said...
Life After Death
For several years now I have minimized the theme of life after death in my writing and teaching, because this theme has been so misused among Christian groups who try to win converts on this issue alone. Preaching the gospel as a way to go to heaven and avoid...
Why a Covenant?
I have said before that for me Isaiah 55 is the most beautiful chapter in all of Scripture. In so many ways it captures the heart of God and His desire to give us goodness and life. "Come to the water … come, buy, and eat. Come buy wine...
Dallas Willard 1935 – 2013
I really have no idea how to write this post. Last week, Dallas Willard went home to be with the Lord. And I am finding it very difficult to deal with this loss. Yes, I know all the right answers about losing a Christian, and how death is different...
Relationship With God
One of the most common ways that Christians talk about their faith is to say that they have “a relationship with God.” I hope that is true for them. I know many Christians whose lives reflect an intimate, ongoing interactive connection between them and God. And for that we...
Seated in Heavenly Places
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul makes a startling statement — but one that is very easy to miss. "… when God raised Jesus from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion...