A Testimony of Grace
I just want to pass along a story that was posted on the website for Healing Center International about a person whose life has been transformed by engaging with God for healing. The story speaks for itself, so I will leave it at that. Please see: “Encountering God in...
Hidden Treasure
Here is a great excerpt from Dallas Willard’s Renewing the Christian Mind: The kingdom of heaven is like where something of extreme value is concealed in a field. Someone discovers it, and quickly covers it up again. Overflowing with joyous excite3ment he pulls together everything he has, sells it...
The Salt-Free Gospel
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, it will become tasteless and no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. (Mt.5:13 PAR) Sadly, much of the Church today has lost its saltiness. Please see the full article...
Belief and Intention
“The vision of life to the full in the kingdom through reliance upon Jesus makes it possible for us to intend to live in the kingdom as he did. We can actually decide to do it. Concretely, we intend to live in the kingdom of God by intending to...
Pursuit of God
Interesting quote from A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God “Sound Bible exposition is an imperative must in the Church of the Living God. Without it no church can be a New Testament church in any strict meaning of that term. But exposition may be carried on in such...
Improving Our Aim
“But the aim of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith” (1Tim.1:5) Last weekend I presented a seminar over near Raleigh, NC, entitled “Transformation by Design” in which I covered (among other things) 1. the most common primary causes of...
Process vs Outcome
About 30 years ago while working with some friends in a recovery group, we hit on the idea that process is more important than outcome. That is, we realized that we actually had relatively little control over the outcome of any given situation or relationship. Much of what we...
Almost every day we hear news that makes us wonder how long the world can last. And with very little effort we can find doomsday prophets who will predict with certainty that the end is near. Not that long ago we all went through the Y2K hysteria. A few...
Christian Formation?
In churches all across the country, office doors are getting updated with new job titles. Instead of “Pastor of Discipleship” we now see “Pastor of Spiritual Formation”; the Christian Education department is now called the Department of Spiritual Formation; the Leader of Adult Ministries is now known as the...
Why Do Christians Suffer for Doing Good?
All through the book of Acts we see the sufferings of Paul as he moves back and forth across the Roman world bring the gospel to Jews and Gentiles alike. At some point we have to wonder, “God … can’t You take better care of Your servants? After all,...