Call Upon Him, While He is Near
"Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near" (Isa.55:6). Familiar words. But today I noticed the context, and my heart was warmed.
What got my attention was the idea that these inviting words come in the middle of a text about restoration. God is not talking to a people who are closely following Him and living for Him. He is calling to those who have forgotten how to live. Those who are hungry and thirsty, whose spirits have languished from their lack of spiritual food.
That is Good News! God does not abandon us, even when we have strayed — even when we have had no prior awareness of His presence. He is "not far from any one of us" (Acts.17:17). No matter how alone I feel, no matter how distant from God my heart feels, He is waiting near, calling me back to Himself, wanting to restore our relationship even more than I do.
Oh, my heart longs for such love. And how sweet it is to let my soul know how much I am loved, and how present He is who loves me.