Whispers of my Abba

whispers_cover_13July2Have you ever wished you could have a conversation with God about your life? Have you ever wanted Him to open the Scriptures to you and make the words come alive? The truth is God would love to talk with you and mentor you in the ways of the Kingdom. He would love for you to get to know Him and develop an interactive relationship with Him that has enough substance to change you from the inside out.

In Whispers of my Abba, you will learn how to listen to the Spirit of God and develop a converational prayer life that will change forever your relationship to God and your approach to the Christian life.

Learning how to have conversations with God may be the single most important step you ever take in your Christian walk.

Endorsements Include:

“Many who would like to live in an interactive walk with God cannot find their way to it because they simply do not know what to do. The details defeat them. Whispers provides clear and simple instructions on entering and abiding in real life interaction with God. You only need do what the book says and the reality of eternal living will validate itself in your experience. What one sees in the Bible and in the lives of the ‘great ones’ in the way of Christ will progressively become how you actually go through your day-to-day journey in the Kingdom of God.”
__ Dallas Willard: Author of Hearing God, Professor of Philosophy, USC

“A fresh and liberating approach to knowing God.”
__ Julie Gorman: Professor of Christian Formation and Discipleship, Fuller Seminary

“Makes that divine-human dialogue appealing and accessible.”
__ Keith Meyer: coach of pastors and author of Whole Life Transformation: Becoming the Change Your Church Needs

Full Preface from the Book:

I have been a Christian for nearly fifty-five years, much of that time very actively involved in churches that were fairly serious about trying to live out the gospel in today’s world. I studied theology, taught classes, led small groups, and memorized Scripture. In the process, I learned a lot about what is helpful and what brings life. But without a doubt, the single most valuable thing I have learned is this: How to have conversations with God.

That might sound surprising to some. If you were to go by what most of us were taught about the Christian life, you would never know how incredibly important this is. You might not even know that it is possible. But the truth is that God loves to speak to his children. He longs to teach us about himself, to comfort us when we need comfort, to speak into our broken places and dispel the darkness, to feed our soul and quench our thirst. Learning how to listen to the Spirit of God and engage with him is like discovering Narnia behind the wardrobe (Lewis). An entirely new world becomes accessible to us – one that previously we could only wish might be real.

God alone can speak life into existence. And that life becomes life in me as I learn how to hear God speak into my life.

I am writing this book for those who want to hear God’s voice, and want to hear it with more clarity and with more confidence than they have ever had before. I know there are some who may think this is too good to be true, and even some who are sure this is not possible at all. Although I have included sufficient evidence from Scripture to show that God does in fact speak to each of us personally, I do not intend to try and convince anyone that this is true. If you need help believing that God still speaks today, I recommend Dallas Willard’s book Hearing God where he has done an excellent job of presenting a sound theological basis for engaging with God in two-way conversational prayer. I cannot improve on what he has done there.

My hope for this present work is to help Christians who long to hear their Papa’s voice more clearly, who desire to engage with the Spirit of God as a Mentor for life, who want more help in how to listen and what to listen for, and who want to know how to make space for this kind of interaction with God. I invite you to join me on a journey that may well change forever your relationship to God, a journey that will open the doors to the Kingdom that Jesus made possible.
In every place where these things have been taught, we have seen life spring up before our eyes and God’s people renewed, overjoyed at how amazing their relationship with God becomes when they can hear him and have real conversations with him. We were never meant to live the Christian life by our own wits or by an education in doctrine and ethics alone. It is only when we learn how to engage with God in conversation that we have any real hope for ongoing, life-long transformation and renewal.

“A time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.” (Jn.5:25)

This is Jesus’ promise to us. Let us seek him and learn how to hear him and live by his words.


Whispers of my Abba is available in several formats:

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