The JOY of Obedience?


Can obedience really be joyful? Is that some kind of attitude I’m supposed to add to my dutiful submission? Most of the time the word ‘obedience’ calls up images of drudgery, have-to’s, and a lot of determination.

Here’s a thought. Imagine that on a given Sunday morning at church, a resurrected Dallas Willard shows up and says he is here to take on a cohort of people who want to learn what it means to live fully in the Kingdom! I think I’d be running down to the front before he finished his first sentence.

“Where do I sign up? When do we start?”

I’d be jumping up and down with joy!

Perhaps all we need is to see Jesus for who he really is. He is surely far more beautiful in every way than Dallas — no slight intended. Jesus is more loving; more patient; more wise; more capable of helping me; and the only one who can the resources I need, and the only one who can write on my heart.

The reason this can be joyful is because it’s the best opportunity we could ever have!

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