Category: Theological Issues

The Myth of “Free” Will

When I was 23 years old. I was faced with a daunting decision. After having completed four years in the military, I had resumed my dream of pursuing a degree in theology from Bethel college in St. Paul. My year of studying and classroom experience was very rewarding, and I was...

Having Begun in the Spirit

One of the most persistent myths in the church today is the belief that salvation is God's job and the Christian life is our job, as if the whole of the Christian life is something we do out of gratitude for getting to go to heaven when we die....

Resident Aliens

In his first letter, the Apostle Peter twice refers to Christians as "aliens" on the earth. Given that Peter also believed Jesus had become King of the planet and that Christians are citizens of the new Kingdom Jesus inaugurated, his use of the word "alien" seems a bit confusing....

Don’t Go By Feeling?

How many times have you heard, “As a Christian, you can’t go by your feelings … you have to go on faith!” What does that even mean? It makes my head spin....